Recycle for a
Greener Future!

Recycle for a
Greener Future!

Eco-friendly Recycling

At Renovar Labs, our commitment to eco-friendly recycling is at the core of everything we do. Responsible stewardship of the environment is a collective duty, and as a battery recycling company, we take our role in preserving the planet very seriously. Our company policy is built on a foundation of sustainability, innovation, and ethical practices, ensuring that every step of our recycling process aligns to reduce environmental impact and foster a greener future.

Recycling Options

End Users

Recycling Process

  • Place a sell order through our mobile app
  • Drop used batteries at our nearest collection centres.

Benefits and Partnership

  • Convenient recycling process
  • Earn value from used batteries
  • Support eco-friendly practices


Recycling Process

  • Partner with us to recycle batteries from your business operations.

Benefits and Partnership

  • Expand your sustainable offerings
  • Gain a competitive advantage
  • Collaborate for a greener environment


Recycling Process

  • Collaborate with us to recycle batteries and contribute to responsible waste management.

Benefits and Partnership

  • Join a network committed to eco-friendly recycling
  • Access specialised support for dismantling

Collection Centres

Collection Locations (US)

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F

Collection Locations (India)

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F

Mobile App

Our mobile app Renovar Labs provides a personalised and hassle-free experience of safely recycling your used batteries while you get a fair price. We will collect batteries at your doorstep.

Download our mobile app from Play Store here.